Penyuluhan Tentang Bahaya Penyalahgunaan Narkotik, Psikotropika dan Zat Aditif Bagi Siswa Siswi SMA dan SMK Mutiara 17 Agustus

Dwitiyanti Dwitiyanti, Kriana Efendi, Supandi Supandi


The community services which was carried out entitled " Counseling About The Danger Of Narkotic, Psychotropics and Aditive Subtance Abuse For High School Students Mutiara 17 Augustus", aimed to increase students' knowledge and awareness of negative impact of drug abuse and to direct teenagers to channel energy in positive activities, as well as raising awareness raising and establishing self-defense against the dangers posed by drug abuse. The targets achieved were improving understanding and providing information regarding the use, dangers and impacts of drug abuse. Method of implementation of Empowerment Activities and Community Service to partners in the form of mapping of students by way of data the number of students, gender, age, hobbies, smoking/not. The counseling was done by describing psychotropic narcotic drugs and other additives, negative impacts of drug abuse, discussion and questioning, distribution of leaflets aware of drug abuse and evaluation. The result of this dedication shows the students have an increased understanding compared to before being given counseling about the drug and its harmful effects, thereby increasing students' awareness of the impact that can be generated.

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