Nur Muhammad Ariseno, Afri Medika Utama, Bambang Setiawan, Noegroho Djarwanti


Cakar Ayam Modification System (CAM) has been widely used as one of the solutions to road pavement problems in soft subgrade, although construction costs were initially high, the total costs incurred were smaller due to small maintenance costs. This research analyzes the deflection produced in a triangle patterned CAM system and quadrilateral with variations in the distance between claws of 2.25 m. Loading uses truck loads based on SNI 1725 2016 with three different position variations each in the middle and edge of the pavement. The analysis was carried out using Finite Element Method-based software which has been proven to be able to approach the original conditions in the field. The results of the analysis show that the CAM pattern with triangular pattern is better at reducing deflection that occurs compared to quadrilateral CAM systems. The deflection difference produced by the triangular CAM system against the clawless pavement system reached 36.97% while on the quadrilateral CAM system the difference was only 28.56%.

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