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Article Template for English version can be downloaded here
Article Template for Indonesian version can be downloaded here
Author Guidelines (pdf version downloaded here)
Auhor Guidelines (versi Indonesia)
JPSCR: Journal of Pharmaceutical Science And Clinical Research (e-ISSN 2503-331x) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal and offers a forum for publishing the original research articles from contributors, and the novel technology news related to pharmaceutical science and clinical research. Since 2021, JPSCR publishes three times per year, every March, Juli, and November.
Scientific articles dealing with natural products, pharmaceutical science-industry, and clinical research, etc. are particularly welcome. The journal encompasses research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries pharmaceutical science and clinical research including formulation and pharmaceutical product evaluation, pharmacology, biopharmaceutics, drug delivery, pharmacokinetics, and nano technology along with either natural product or active pharmaceutical ingredients. JPSCR also accepts papers in clinical research e.g. pharmacoepidemiology, clinical pharmacy, pharmacoeconomy, and pharmacovigilance. Since July 2020, JPSCR does not receive any article related to pharmaceutical management, and pharmaceutical social behavior & administration. JPSCR publishes original research article, case study, and short communication. All manuscripts submitted to JPSCR must be written in Indonesian language, but English is more preferable.
1. General guideline
Manuscript submitted to JPSCR must be not yet or being submitted in other journals. In addition, article should be ensured that follows the Publication Ethics. All submission progresses through online submission. Therefore, author should register and sign up an account in JPSCR website. Author can register as author and/or reviewer. Technical problem regarding registration in online journal website, author can contact to
2. Review process
Prior evaluation regarding article suitability to the journal is conducted by editor for each manuscript submitted to JPSCR. A double-blind review process is implemented in JPSCR at least 2 reviewers. Decision regarding revision or rejection is decided according to the reviewer’s suggestion that it is decided by Editor. Result of review will be sent to the corresponding author within 6 months (max.), since the manuscript has been submitted.
3. JPSCR’s editorial office
All correspondences should be submitted to editorial office address:
Editor in Chief
JPSCR: Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Research
Dr. Dinar S.C. Wahyuni
Department of Pharmacy,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret,
Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia, 57126.
4. Article charge
Since Volume 6 No 2, JPSCR charges an Article Processing Charge about IDR. 1.000.000.
5. Manuscript preparation guideline
Manuscript should be prepared as JPSCR template using Microsoft word program along with extension either doc or docx. The manuscript should be prepared according to the IMRAD structure (Introduction-Method-Results-And-Discussion). Therefore, manuscript should orderly consist of title, author(s) name, affiliation(s), abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, and acknowledgement, declaration of interest, references. Manuscript preparation should use Times New Roman font along with font size of 12 pt (expt. Title (18 pt) and highlighted with bold character) with 1.5 space. Each page must be added by page number and line number restarted for each page. In addition, cover letter can be submitted along with manuscript submission for emphasizing the novelty. Manuscript in english must provide proof-reading after accepted.
5.1. Title
Title should be attractive for reader and depicts the whole of manuscript. Title must be specific, not ambiguous, and no containing an uncommon abbreviation. Title is aligned with left margin and uppercase for first word followed by lower case without full stop. Article prepared by Indonesian language, the title must be also in Indonesian, meanwhile The English title must appear in “abstract section”. Submitted article along with English language, author does not require Indonesian title.
5.2. Author name and affiliation
Author name comprises first name and surname/last name. Author name(s) must be written without academic degree and not allowed to abbreviate the last name. In addition, the first name should be written as an uppercase character. The first and last names should be written without full stop, meanwhile the middle name can be abbreviated with full stop.
Affiliation should be written clearly along with department/unit/faculty, institution name, and address. Corresponding author must be highlighted with superscript asterisk (*) behind the last name. Affiliation should be written with font size of 10 pt and italic without full stop. A permanent affiliation address must be used as an author affiliation. Affiliation and email address should be aligned at left margin. Authors do not allow to write the phone number in manuscript. However, it very recommended to write in the title page.
5.3. Abstract and keywords
Abstract is written in a paragraph along with single space. Abstract should consist of introduction (1-2 sentences), purpose(s), method, finding or results, and conclusion concisely. Citation in abstract is avoided and abstract should be written 100-250 words. The abstract word should be written in bold characters. Manuscript prepared with Indonesian is obligatory to provide the abstract in English. English abstract is placed after Indonesian abstract. The title of English abstract is placed after word “Abstract”.
Keywords can be provided max. 6 keywords and separated by semicolon without full stop. “Keywords” should be written in bold characters. Keywords should be written in lowercase except if it is common to be written in capital letters e.g. Escherichia coli; SNEDDS; Alpinia galanga etc.
5.4. Introduction
Introduction should be written clearly comprising general background, state of the art, novelty and originality (compared to previous literatures and provided reference as original research articles within 10 years), problems and hypotheses (if any), purposed problem solving (if any), and the purpose of study. Introduction is recommended to be written in 3-5 paragraphs length neither too long nor too short.
5.5. Materials and Methods
Material should be written completely along with content (if any) and its origin e.g. ethanol form Merck (Darmstadt, Germany)/ethanol (Merck; Darmstadt, Germany) or curcumin <98% obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO)/curcumin 98% (Sigma Aldrich; St. Louis, MO). Methods should be reliable and can be repeated by other researchers. A published method is enough to cite and it is not necessary to write completely. Instruments/analytical instruments should be written completely i.e. name, type and its origin/headquarter e.g. a Shimadzu U-2900 spectrophotometer (Tokyo, Japan).
5.6. Results and Discussion
Results and Discussion sections should be combined. Results should be stated clearly and it depicts the scientific answer (What/How), and it is not limited to only figure data. Distinction and novelty from previous finding should be pointed out. Results can be shown by table or figure (redundant in displaying the results either in figure or table is not appropriate).
Discussion must explain and point out the results and not repeats the results section. Discussion should answer and analyze the correlation between the results and basic fundamental of concept (Why) and is it any correlation and contradiction with a previous report (What else). Implication of the results either in theory or application is highly recommended to discuss.
5.7. Conclusion
Conclusion section should provide brief and clear answer related to the purpose of study, and not repeat abstract section or jresults. Author should write the conclusion logically and orderly. Author can write the limitation of this research and suggestion for further research. Conclusion should be written in paragraph not in list/numbering.
5.8. Acknowledgement
Author can provide an acknowledgement for funding or personal who help in discussion or technical support. In addition, acknowledgement can be convoyed to the industry how help in providing materials in research. Acknowledgement is not given to other authors in the manuscript.
5.9. Declaration of Interest
The authors are required to state the declaration of all financial or non-financial competing interest with regards to the publication of their works. If there is no conflict of interest, author must be state “Author(s) name(s) declare(s) that there was no conflict of interest”.
5.10. Citation and References
References that is cited in manuscript must correlate with the research and should be checked in the original source. Citation in text should be written and checked completely. It must be ensured that the cited references must be mentioned in references and vice versa. Citation in text is written using author’s surname followed by year. For author more than 1 and less than 3, the author surname should be connected by “&”, meanwhile more than 2 authors, the first surname followed by “et al.” is used.
The references should be prepared in logical order according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Author/Authors is highly recommended to use reference citation management for manuscript preparation e.g. Zotero, Mendeley etc. The citation style language (csl) of JPSCR can be downloaded here. Previous published article can be used for a model.
The reference is highly recommended at least 10 years ago and min 15 references along with primary literature (original research article) of 80%. Unpublished results and personal communication are not recommended. Manuscript that has volume and issue i.e. Article in Press can be used as a reference by providing DOI number.
Reference using website should be written completely along with URL address followed by accessed date, month, and year. Additional information can be added in the references e.g. DOI. Complete long-term name of journal should be written.
Example for in text citation and references
In text citation
Single author: (Caccavo, 2019)
Double authors: (Ainurofiq & Choiri, 2018)
More than two authors: (Choiri et al., 2019)
More than two citations: (Riaz & Ashraf, 2014; Efiana et al., 2017)
Author along with similar name and year: (Zhang, Lubach, et al., 2016; Zhang, Meng, et al., 2016)
Source: Original research article/Journal article
LastName, F.M. dan LastName, D.M. (year). Article title. Journal name, Volume(number), page.
For example:
Ainurofiq, A., dan Choiri, S. (2018). Development and optimization of a meloxicam/β-cyclodextrin complex for orally disintegrating tablet using statistical analysis. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 23(5): pp.464–475. 10.1080/10837450.2016.1264418.
Source: Books
LastName, K.L. dan LastName, D.M. (published year). Book title. Publication place, publisher.
For example:
Anderson, Mark.J., dan Whitcomb, P.J. (2015). DOE Simplified: Practical Tools for Effective Experimentation, Third Edition. New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Source: Book chapters
LastName, K.L. dan LastName, D.M. (publication year). Chapter title. in K.L. Editor (Eds.), Book title, page xx-xx. Publication place, Publisher. DOI (if any).
For example:
Riaz, U., dan Ashraf, S.M. (2014). Characterization of Polymer Blends with FTIR Spectroscopy, 625–678, in: Thomas, S., Grohens, Y., and Jyotishkumar, P. (Eds.), Characterization of Polymer Blends. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. 10.1002/9783527645602.ch20.
Source: Conferences
LastName, K.L. dan LastName, D.M. (publication year). Article title. in K.L. Editor (Eds.), Judul Prosiding (hal. xx-xx). Kota publikasi, publisher.
For example:
Game, A. (2001). Creative ways of being. In J. R. Morss, N. Stephenson & J.
F. H. V. Rappard (Eds.), Theoretical issues in psychology: Proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology 1999 Conference (pp. 3-12). Sydney: Springer.
Source: Website
LastName, K.L. dan LastName, D.M. (publication year). Article title. URL Address [Accessed date, month, and year].
For example:
European Space Agency. (2015) Rosetta: rendezvous with a comet. Available from: [Accessed 15th June 2015].
5.11. Heading and sub-heading
Heading e.g. Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusion etc. should written in a bold, meanwhile sub-heading doesn’t. Heading and sub-heading alignment is set to be left.
5.12. Table and Figure
Table must be in editable form and not as images. Table numbering uses Arabic number and it is written in bold characters. In addition, the table caption is printed out by Times New Roman 12 pt and not bold characters. Text in table should be written in 11 pt Times New Roman along with single space. Only horizontal-border line can be appeared in Table. Reference can be used in table and should be written in Table caption. Additional information e.g. abbreviation can be written below the table and written in Times New Roman 12 pt along with single space. Figure can be given in JPG/JPEG/PNG/TIFF formats along with minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Molecular structure should be prepared using .cdx format (ChemDraw). Figure numbering uses Arabic number and it is printed out by bold characters using Times New Roman 12 pt and single space. Figure should be clear and readable and grayscale figure is appropriate but colored figure is more preferable. As same as the table name, the reference on figure can be written in figure caption
Table and Figure should be orderly cited in manuscript. There is not recommended for table assignation using Table/Figure below or Table/Figure above. Therefore, it should be cited as Table 1 or Figure 1.
For example:
Table 1. Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 to COX-1 ratio of several analgesic compounds (name and year)
Figure 1. Drug release profile of diltiazem HCl gastro-floating tablet formulation along with HPMC 100 LV (), HPMC K4M (s), and HPMC K15M (p)
5.13. Formula and Equation
Formula and Equation should be prepared using MS equation editor or LaTeX format and not as images. Formula and equation should be numbered sequentially.
5.14. Unit and symbol
Unit should be written in international system of unit (SI) e.g. kg, cm etc. If others units mentioned, provided an equivalent SI unit. Abbreviation or symbol should be given by information in advance.
6. Finalizing Submission
Before completing the submission process, the corresponding author and author(s) is required for conducting a final check of our manuscript. There are several check points should be conducted:
- Article prepared according to the JPSCR author guideline including the manuscript template
- Article in final proof by authors
- Statement letter of publication (downloaded here) must be submitted along with manuscript submission.
- Corresponding author details particularly email address and phone number
- Figure and table captions, reference, citation should be mentioned and cited in manuscript
- Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources.
- There is no double submission to another journal in parallel manner.
After several points has been addressed, the author can finalize the submission process. Lack or miss in important checklist as aforementioned, author can be penalized particularly for article withdrawing during submission or acceptance.
7. Revision and Acceptance
All revisions should be addressed according to reviewers and editor suggestion. It can be completed through journal online submission progress. It is highly recommended to provide a reply to reviewer’s comment (template can be downloaded here) as a point to point of reviewer comment. Decision of acceptance can be informed by Editor to the corresponding author. After a copy editing is complete, proof editing section should be completed by author.
8. Withdraw penalty
In order to ensure the article not in double-submission (standard code of publication ethics), Editor enacts article withdraw policy for submission due to wasting our resources and time. Article withdrawn more than 3 months after submission without any progress (still Editorial Assignment), the author does not pay for a penalty. However, accepted article or Article in Press cannot be withdrawing without scientific justification and it should be approved by Editor in Chief. Minor or major lack of the published data that causes article retraction can be discussed followed by diminishing the data from article. The full penalty should be paid by authors about 300 USD if there is any retraction and withdrawing caused by illogical reason or unscientific justification e.g. published on higher impact journal. Meanwhile, withdrawing the article in review process or submission regarding those reasons, author should pay by half of full penalty. In addition, retraction must be reported and recorded in Indonesian Academic Integrity/”Anjungan Integritas Akademik Indonesia” (ANJANI). Therefore, misconduct due to retraction/double submission, author can be punished by banned in ANJANI for further publication.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Copyright Notice
An author who publishes in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Research (JPSCR) agrees to the following terms:
- Author retains the copyright and grants the the journal the right of first publication of the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal
- The author is able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book) with the acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
- Author is permitted and encouraged to post his/her work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of the published work.
Read more about the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence here:
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 250000.00 (IDR)
This journal charges for article submission fee of 15 USD (250,000 IDR) for your article.
Article Publication: 750000.00 (IDR)
This journal charges the following author fee. If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to fulfill the publication fee of 55 USD (750,000 IDR) for your article.