Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship Interest in Educational and Non-Educational Students

Fuaz Nur Kholis, Indah Widiastuti, Valiant Lukad Perdana Sutrisno


Indonesia is a country with a dense population but minimal employment opportunities, increasing the level of concern for students to get a job and start thinking about starting a business (entrepreneurship). This happens to both economics and non-economics students. This study aims to determine how high the interest in entrepreneurship is, especially among educational and non-educational students. 156 students of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta with 70 non-educational students and 86 education students were involved as respondents to a questionnaire that had been distributed using Google Forms. The results show that entrepreneurial interest in education students is superior to that of non-education students. This can happen because FKIP students have an advantage in Public Speaking, communicating, analysing, and determining the right treatment for students which can also be applied to social life and starting a business (entrepreneurship).


Entrepreneurship, Interest in Entrepreneurship, Student Education, and Quantitative


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