Analysis the Effect of Adversity Quotient and Practical Workshop Facilities on the Mechanical Engineering Students Learning Outcomes on Practicum Subjects at SMKN 1 Sawit Boyolali

Qodry Al Basyir Amir, Ngatou Rohman, Indah Widiastuti


The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of adversity quotient and workshop facilities on student learning outcomes in the practical course of Mechanical Engineering at SMKN 1 Sawit Boyolali academic year 2021/2022. The population of this study amounted to 133 students consisting of students of classes XI and XII of mechanical engineering which was selected using simple random sampling techniques. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires and tests. The research instrument used a closed adversity quotient and workshop facilities questionnaires. Learning outcomes data were obtained from student learning outcomes reports, especially in subjects related to workshop facilities. This type of study uses quantitative with an ex-post facto approach. The results of the study prove that adversity quotient and workshop facilities have an influence on learning outcomes, as evidenced by the F test, the F count was 6,716 at a significant level of 5 percent compared to the F table (2;64 from 3,15), the result is F count greater than F table (6,716 > 3,15) or p (0,000 < 0,05). And the result of the regression model was Y = 49,949 + 0,118 X1 + 0,225 X2.


SMKN 1 Sawit Boyolali; Adversity Quotient; Workshop Facilities; Learning Outcomes


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