The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on The Entrepreneurship Intention and Motivation of Vocational Engineering Education Students

Fitri Nopita Sari, Indah Widiastuti, Suharno Suharno


Entrepreneurship education is one way to create an entrepreneur both at the level of formal education and family, community and other informal institutions. This research aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions by taking a case study on Vocational Engineering students. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach to describe the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions entrepreneurship education as the independent variable, entrepreneurial intention as the dependent variable. The total population is 190 students. Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program as many as 66 students, Building Engineering Education Study Program 69 students, Information and Computer Engineering Education as many as 55 students. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis with correlation test. The results of this study indicate that there is no relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention as indicated by a significance value (tailed) of 0.558 greater than 0.05 The analysis of entrepreneurial motivation based on the results of the questionnaire distribution shows that most students have entrepreneurial motivation because they want to determine their own working hours and actualize themselves. This research is expected to be an input in designing more effective entrepreneurship education materials, especially at the tertiary level


Education Entrepreneurship Intention Motivation Correlation Test


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