Febriana Ramdhani Setiawan, Husin Bugis, Ngatao Ngatao


The purpose of this study are (1) To identify the effect of variations in gasoline to torque and power on Honda Supra X 125 FI motorbikes in 2015. (2) To identify the effect of cylinder head gasket thickness variations on torque and power on Honda Supra X 125 FI motorcycles 2015. (3) To identify the highest torque and power after making variation on the thickness of the cylinder head gasket by using a variety of gasoline on a Honda Supra X 125 FI motorcycle in 2015. This research used expertiment method. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that: (1) A higher octane value in the type of gasoline fuel affects torque and power on a Honda Supra X 125 FI motorcycle in 2015. (2) The thickness of the cylinder head gasket affects the torque and power on a Honda motorcycle Supra X 125 FI in 2015. Torque and power have decreased in thickness of two cylinders head gaskets (0.6 mm) and thickness of 3 cylinder head gaskets (0.9 mm). (3) A higher octane value in the type of gasoline fuel and the thickness of the cylinder head gasket affects the torque and power of the Honda Supra X 125 FI motorcycle in 2015. (4) By using Pertalite fuel on the thickness of the standard cylinder head gasket (0, 3 mm) can produce optimal torque that is equal to 11.60 Nm at 4730 rpm engine speed and optimal power that is equal to 11.1 HP at 8407 rpm engine speed on a Honda Supra X 125 FI motorcycle in 2015. To produce the optimal torque and power on Honda Supra X 125 FI motorcycle  in 2015 it is sugested to use a pertalite fuel with the standard head cylinder gasket thickness


gasket thickness variation, gasoline variation, torque, power

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