Budi Harjanto


This study aims to acquire a good knowledge of (1) influence of soft skills with the readiness to be a teacher education student of Mechanical Engineering, 2015; (2) influence achievement of vocational competencies (hard skills) with the readiness of a teacher education student of Mechanical Engineering, 2015; (3)influence of soft skills and vocational competence achievement (hard skills) with the readiness of a teacher education student of Mechanical Engineering in 2015. This type of research is correlational research. The population of this research is the students of Mechanical Engineering Education FKIP UNS of 2015 class, which amounted to 62 students. The sample size was determined by simple random sampling technique, and the totalled 55 students. I am collecting data using the method of documentation for performance variables vocational competencies (hard skills) and a questionnaire to the variable soft skills and readiness to be a teacher. Validity test of item using Pearson Product Moment formula and reliability test instrument using Alpha Cronbach formula. Grain validity test and instrument reliability test using SPSS Version 19 program. The prerequisite analysis test consists of a normality test, linearity test, and multicollinearity test. Data analysis techniques use partial correlation and multiple linear regression. The level of significance of the analysis is 5%. The results are as follows. First, there is a positive and significant relationship between soft skills with the readiness of a teacher education student of Mechanical Engineering in 2015 (r count = 0,806> r table = 0.2681; p-value = 0.000 <0.05). If soft skills increase, the readiness to become a teacher is also increasing. Secondly, there is no positive correlation between the achievement of vocational competencies (hard skills) with the readiness of a teacher (r count = 0.187 <r table = 0.2681; p-value = 0.177> 0.05). Scientifically proven that when the achievements of vocational competencies (hard skills) increase, so do not affect the readiness to become a teacher. Third, there is a positive and significant relationship between soft skills and vocational competence achievement (hard skills) together with a readiness to be a teacher (f count = 48.357> f table = 3.18).


soft skills; vocational competency achievement (hard skills); readiness become a teachers

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