Estro Dariatno Sihaloho, Fariza Zahra Kamilah, Gina Ridhia Rahma, Salsabila Kusumawardani, Donny Hardiawan, Adiatma YM Siregar


This study aims to determine the effect of the Tuberculosis rate on the poverty rate in 407 municipal districts in Indonesia in 2017. This study uses the Multiple linear regression (MLR) method with STATA 14. The results of the study indicate that the Tuberculosis rate has a positive effect - significant on the poverty rate, gdrp per capita has a negative effect – significant on poverty rate, and total health workers have a negative effect - significant on Tuberculosis cases.


Keywords: poverty, gdrp per capita, health workers, tuberculosis

JEL Classification:I32, O12, J83, I15 

Full Text:



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Tanimura, T., Jaramillo, E., Weil, D., Raviglione, M., & Lönnroth, K. (2014). Financial Burden for Tu-berculosis Patients in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Sy-stematic Review. European Res-piratory Journal, 43(6), 1763–1775.

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Anggit, P. Y., & Arianti, F. (2012). Pengangguran, Pendidikan, dan Kesehatan Terhadap Kemiskinan. Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, 1(1), 1–8. Retrieved from

Auwalin, I. (2009). Measuring The Impact of Economic Growth on Poverty. Jurnal Riset Ekonomi, 1(3), 219–227. Retrieved from

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Banerjee, A. N., Banik, N., & Mu-khopadhyay, J. P. (2015). The Dynamics of Income Growth and Poverty: Evidence from Districts in India. Development Policy Review, 33(3), 293–312.

Chakaya, J. M., Harries, A. D., & Marks, G. B. (2020). Ending Tu-berculosis by 2030—Pipe Dream or Reality? International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 92, S51–S54.

Collins, D., Hafidz, F., & Mustikawa-ti, D. (2017). The Economic Bur-den of Tuberculosis in Indonesia. International Journal of Tubercu-losis and Lung Disease, 21(9), 1041–1048.

Depkes RI. (2009). Rencana Pemba-ngunan Jangka Panjang Bidang Kesehatan 2005-2025. Jakarta: Depkes RI.

Depkes RI. (2018). InfoDatin Tuber-culosis. Jakarta: Kementerian Ke-sehatan RI.

Diel, R., Rutz, S., Castell, S., & Scha-berg, T. (2012). Tuberculosis: Cost of Illness in Germany. Eur Respir J, 40(1), 143–151.

Fløe, A., Hilberg, O., Wejse, C., Lø-kke, A., Ibsen, R., Kjellberg, J., & Jennum, P. (2015). The Econo-mic Burden of Tuberculosis in Denmark 1998-2010. Cost Ana-lysis in Patients and Their Spou-ses. International Journal of In-fectious Diseases, 32, 183–190.

Fuchs, V. R. (1999). The Future of Health Economics. NBER Work-ing Paper No. W7379. Retrieved from

Greene, W. W. H. (2012). Econome-tric Analysis (7th Ed). Prentice Hall.

Gupta, I., & Mitra, A. (2004). Eco-nomic Growth, Health and Pover-ty: An Exploratory Study for In-dia. Development Policy Review, 22(2), 193–206.

Hernandez, P., & Evans, D. (2006). Measuring Expenditure for the Health Workforce: Evidence and Challenges. Retrieved from

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik In-donesia. (2017). Indonesia Natio-nal TB Program. Jakarta: Ke-menterian Kesehatan RI.

Kirigia, J. M., & Muthuri, R. D. K. (2016). Productivity Losses A-ssociated with Tuberculosis Dea-ths in the World Health Organi-zation African Region. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5(43), 1–12.

Lopez, J. H., & Serven, L. (2006). A Normal Relationship? Poverty, Growth, and Inequality. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 3814(January), 1–31.

Marchal, B., & Kegels, G. (2003). Health Workforce Imbalances in Times of Globalization: Brain Drain or Professional Mobility. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 18 (SUPPL. 1), 89–101.

Miranti, R., Vidyattama, Y., Hansnata, E., Cassells, R., & Duncan, A. (2013). Trends in Poverty and In-equality in Decentralising Indo-nesia. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No.148,OECDPublishing, Paris,.

OMS. (2016). Global Strategy on Hu-man Resources for Health: Work-force 2030. WHO.

Ono, T., Lafortune, G., Schoenstein, M., Ono T Schoenstein M, L. G., & Publishing, O. (2013). Health Workforce Planning in OECD Countries: A Review of 26 Pro-jection Models from 18 Coun-tries. In OECD Health Working Papers, No.62(62), 8-11.

Peabody, J. W., Shimkhada, R., Tan, C., & Luck, J. (2005). The Bur-den of Disease, Economic Costs and Clinical Consequences of Tuberculosis in the Philippines. Health Policy and Planning, 20(6), 347–353.

Rajeswari, R., Balasubramanian, R., Muniyandi, M., Geetharamani, S., Thresa, X., & Venkatesan, P. (1999). Socio-economic Impact of Tuberculosis on Patients and Family in India. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 3(10), 869–877.͔

Ramadhan, A. P. (2013). Teacher and Health Worker Absence in Indo-nesia. Asian Education and Deve-lopment Studies, 2(2), 149–161.

Rasheed, B. A., Adnan, R., Saffari, S. E., & Pati, K. D. (2014). Robust Weighted Least Squares Estima-tion of Regression Parameter in the Presence of Outliers and He-teroscedastic Errors. Jurnal Tek-nologi, 71(1), 11–17.

Rodrigues, L. C., & Smith, P. G. (1990). Tuberculosis in Develop-ing Countries and Methods for Its Control. Transactions of the Ro-yal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 84(5), 739–744.

Saqib, S. E., Ahmad, M. M., & Ame-zcua-Prieto, C. (2018). Economic Burden of Tuberculosis and Its Coping Mechanism at the House-hold Level in Pakistan. Social Science Journal, 55(3), 313–322.

Sheldon, G. F. (2006). Globalization and the Health Workforce Short-age. Surgery, 140(3), 354–358.

Sihaloho, E., & Siregar, A. (2019). The Analysis of Tuberculosis Fu-nds Efficiency on High Burden Countries. Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 22(1), 45–62.

Suhrcke, M., McKee, M., Stuckler, D., Sauto Arce, R., Tsolova, S., & Mortensen, J. (2006). The Contri-bution of Health to the Economy in the European Union. Public Health, 120(11), 994–1001.

Suryahadi, A., Hadiwidjaja, G., & Su-marto, S. (2012). Economic Gro-wth and Poverty Reduction in In-donesia Before and After the Asi-an Financial Crisis. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 48(2), 209–227.

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Tanimura, T., Jaramillo, E., Weil, D., Raviglione, M., & Lönnroth, K. (2014). Financial Burden for Tu-berculosis Patients in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Sy-stematic Review. European Res-piratory Journal, 43(6), 1763–1775.

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Weil, D. N. (2007). Accounting for the Effect of Health on Economic Growth. Quarterly Journal of E-conomics, 122(3), 1265–1306.

WHO. (2005). Working for Health and Growth. In WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Working.

WHO. (2018). Global Tuberclororsis Report 2018.

WHO. (2019). Global Tuberculosis Report 2019. Geneva.

Yusuf, A. A. (2017). Multidimensio-nal Poverty in Indonesia: How Inclusive Has Economic Growth Been? Working Papers in Trade and Development, (09), 1–51.



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