Jihad Lukis Panjawa


Poverty in Indonesia experiences a declining trend, both in number and percentage, but Pa-pua Province is not the case. The number of poor people in Papua has increased and the position of poverty levels is higher than the national level. Heterogeneity of poverty occurs in the districts and cities of Papua. The purpose of this study is to analyze the determinants of poverty in regencies and cities in Papua Province. Determinants of poverty include economic growth, human development, decentralization, and regional status. This research uses quantitative methodology with multiple linear regression analysis cross-section analysis tools. The findings of this study are an increase in economic performance which is proxied by economic growth that can reduce poverty levels in districts and cities in Papua Province. Other findings, show an increase in the quality of human resources as a form of human development in proxy with the human development index is also able to reduce poverty levels. The results of this study also show that regional status and fiscal decentralization have not been able to significantly influence poverty reduction. Government policies need to be for-med in forming partnerships with the public and the private sector in improving economic performance and human development in order to improve the welfare of the community. In addition, without ignoring the decentralization policy, the management of potential resources needs to be optimized to increase the ability and independence of the region in financing regional expenditure, particularly in poverty alleviation programs.

Keywords: Poverty; Economic Growth; Human Development; Decentralization; Regional Status

JEL Classification:I32;015;040;R11

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/jiep.v20i2.41160


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