Water Conservation Efforts at Indrokilo Botanical Gardens, Boyolali

Aninda Maulidyna, Avyda Koza Deanova, Murni Nurwulandari


Conservation is a form of management effort in using the biosphere wisely in order to be able to obtain large profits in a sustainable manner for the survival of the present generation while maintaining the potential to meet future needs. Indrokilo Botanical Gardens is an ex-situ conservation area that plays a role in preserving plants using an ecoregional approach. This study aims to determine the form of water conservation efforts that have been carried out in the Indrokilo Boyolali Botanical Gardens (KRIB). The research method used is a survey, while the data collection techniques used are field observations and interviews with the KRIB management. The results of the study explain that the Indrokilo Boyolali Botanical Gardens have an important role in water and soil conservation efforts. Indrokilo Boyolali Botanical Garden has five functions, namely conservation function, education function, environmental service function, research function, and tourism function. Electrolysis Banyu Udan (EBU) and Rainwater Harvesting are water management systems in the Indrokilo Boyolali Botanical Gardens that play a role in overcoming flood and drought problems. The results of the study prove that the Botanical Gardens of Indrokilo Boyolali has a role in water conservation as evidenced by the existence of a group of plants that are included in the vegetation that plays an important role in preserving the springs in the form of the banyan tree (Ficus benjamina) and the Angsana tree (Pterocarpus indicus Willd). There are 9 species of bamboo vegetation in KRIB, this vegetation has an effect of 80-100% on the absorption of rainwater and ground water reserves for plants. Indrokilo Botanical Gardens does not only play a role in maintenance efforts outside the natural habitat for flora and fauna, but also related to environmental conservation efforts, especially conservation of water resources.


bamboo, botanical gardens, ex situ, rainwater harvesting systems, water conservation.

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