Case Study of Ex-situ Conservation Area Management Strategy at Indrokilo Botanical Garden Boyolali

Helena Joan Noven, Desta Eka Fahrurozi


This study aims to determine the management and strategy of ecoedutourism in the ex-situ conservation area of the Indrokilo Boyolali Botanical Garden (KRIB), located in Mojosongo District, Boyolali Regency. Researcher’s main reason of choosing this conservation area is because the existence of this garden takes strategic functions such as flora conservation, ecotourism, and education on middle-to-east Java which spreads widely and there are a variety of endemic flora. In concentration of conservation, KRIB has essential role from Indonesian Ministry of Environment to excavate endemic floras extensively and collect them effectively. This research used data collection method with a combination of primary and reference based, where the primary data was obtained from field observations and in-depth interviews, while the secondary data was obtained from literature study. The data were analyzed with qualitative technique descriptively. SWOT analysis is used to minimize weaknesses and threats and maximize strengths and opportunities. KRIB has strengths which primarily is an only botanical garden area in Central Java, has attractiveness and various supporting functions in accordance with the principles of sustainability, as well as its strategic location and easy access to the location. There are four strategy recommendations that is formulated with SWOT analysis, including SO, WO, ST, and WT strategies where it shows the important to developing an ecoedutourism management that highlight principles of sustainability in not only maximizing the potential and tourist attraction, but also paying attention to maintenance and conservation activities. However, all efforts to manage the conservation area of the Indrokilo Botanical Garden must be supported by all parties in order to successfully maintain the environmental sustainability.


Conservation; Ecoedutourism; Ex-situ; Indrokilo Botanical Garden; Management  

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