The Effect of Breakfast Habits on Work Productivity in CV Unggul Farm Sukoharjo

Anggreini Beta Citra Dewi


The low quality of human resources is a growing problem in the improvement of workers quality. This issue is affected by several factors, one of which is nutrition. Breakfast as an indicator of nutritional status, plays an important role in the activities of workers. Someone who does not eat breakfast have a risk of suffering from health problems. This state can reduce work productivity.This study purpose to analyze the influence of breakfast habits on work productivity in workers CV. Unggul Farm Sukoharjo. This study was an observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique data cillection was conducted on  total of 30 samples use questionaire food recall and breakfast habits questionnaires to measure breakfast habits and productivity was measured calculate how many egg was selection. Data analysis was conducted using by chi-square methodes by SPSS. The results Chi square is for the measurement of breakfast habits influenced productivity (OR= 5.40, p 0.03. The value which means that the p-value <0.05 then the test results was significant. Breakfast habits influenced productivity of CV Unggul Farm Sukoharjo. Other factors future research should considers.


breakfast habit, work productivity

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