Local Wisdom of Merapi Slope Village in Ensuring the Availability and Sustainability of Springs in Glagaharjo Village Cangkringan District of Sleman Yogyakarta

Lia Kusumaningrum, Siti Rachmawati, Dalili Ghaisani Hashifah, Bebi Sylvia Muryanto, Wicaksono Dharmawan


Water is the essential source of life for the survival of living things. The eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 threatened the availability and sustainability of springs in Glagaharjo Village, the highest village on the slopes of Mount Merapi. Glagaharjo Village is also a village included in the Disaster-Prone Area (KRB) III of Mount Merapi. The area shows the condition of the well-maintained springs as the only source of clean water, so this condition becomes an interesting thing to study. This study aims to determine aspects of local wisdom in managing springs in Glagaharjo Village due to the vulnerability of the Mount Merapi eruption, which is expressed through their traditions and rites. This research is qualitative exploratory by discussing case studies in the field. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is from interviews and field observations, while secondary data is obtained from several references and literature. The study results show that local wisdom can contribute to increasing community resilience to the availability of springs as a source of clean water in Glagaharjo Village. There are forms of local wisdom in the form of adaptation values, socio-cultural values, environmental balance values, and sustainability values. This form of local wisdom has the function of maintaining the availability and sustainability of springs so that the quantity, quality, and continuity of clean water sources are maintained amidst the threat of the risk of the eruption of Mount Merapi.


Local wisdom, Availability, Sustainability, Qualitative explorative, Springs

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