Identification of Hazardous and Toxic Waste in Workshops X Surakarta
The increase in the number of motorized vehicle users causes the increasing human need for motorcycle maintenance and repair services such as workshops. However, this service actually creates new problems for the environment and the health of living things because it produces workshop waste which is classified as B3 waste (hazardous and toxic materials). The collection and management of workshop waste must be considered thoroughly starting from its place and how to manage it safely before being discharged into the environment. The purpose of this study was to identify the various types of B3 waste and to understand the management of B3 waste at Bengkel X. Bengkel X is one of the workshops in Surakarta City that receives repair and oil change services for motorcycles. The method used is a direct survey to the location of the workshop with data collection techniques using primary data. The results of this study indicate that there are 3 types of B3 waste, namely used oil waste, used oil bottle, battery waste, and cloth waste exposed to lubricants, for the amount of used oil waste in workshop X ranges from 25-30 L/month. The management carried out at X's workshop is storage in buckets which are then purchased by collectors or junkyards to be sold to factories.
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