Knowledge Analysis Regarding the Presence and Hazards of Household Hazardous Waste for Teenagers

Mini Ambarwati Kusuma Dewi, Muhammad Fadhil Ramadhan, Muthi’ah Dzakiyyatul Fauziyyah, Satria Aji Prambudi, Sisca Indriyani


The waste problem is an important issue for the government to protect its people. Types of domestic solid waste that are harmful to the environment and toxic to humans are categorized in Hazardous and Toxic Household Waste. Hazardous and toxic material waste is all forms of waste from anthropogenic activities in the form of waste containing hazardous and toxic materials so that directly or indirectly can damage the environment, interfere with health, and threaten the survival of humans and organisms. In household activities in every urban area, people in Indonesia generally dispose of hazardous and toxic waste (B3) mixed with their household waste. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of increasing public awareness, especially the younger generation, in managing domestic B3 waste effectively and efficiently. The research method used in this study is descriptive and qualitative analysis methods. The data needed are secondary data and primary data. Secondary data is obtained from literature studies on B3 waste which are available online. While the primary data obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The qualitative descriptive method used in this study serves to translate questionnaire data from respondents to obtain information related to knowledge about the dangers of B3 waste. Based on the results of the study, it is known that there are 12 respondents aged 18 years, 29 people aged 19 years, 20 years old there are 14 people, and respondents with an age range of 22-24 years as many as 5 people. The results of the questionnaire showed that there were more girls than boys with a ratio of 4:1, with 48 girls and 12 boys. Overall, from 60 adolescent respondents, the results obtained from questionnaire data, that most of them only know the dangers of B3 waste but do not have the effort to handle it properly. This is due to the lack of socialization, lack of awareness of environmental damage, and the widespread dissemination of education about the dangers of B3 waste.

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