Analysis of Sebelas Maret University Student Awareness Against Mask Waste and Dumask Program on Campus

Natasha Dewina Raissa Putri, Anne Nur Vita Sari, Rahmawati Hasanah, Savitri Intan Nur Azzahra, Soca Pracaya


The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the world, including Indonesia, has caused many changes in people's lifestyles. One of them is wearing a mask. With so many people wearing masks and the long time of the pandemic, a pile of mask waste has arisen. Currently, the masks that are often used are disposable masks or medical masks. This medical mask waste is included in B3 waste which must be handled specifically to avoid the negative impacts caused. As a student who has the role of agent of change, he must participate in the management of this medical mask waste. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the environmental awareness of UNS students, especially against medical mask waste. This research method was carried out using a sampling method (questionnaire) which was then analyzed by data. Respondents came from Sebelas Maret University students with a total of 40 student respondents. Respondents have worn masks outside their homes but have not taken steps to properly dispose of masks. One way to treat campus medical mask waste is Dumask which is available through the application and website. However, there are still many who do not know about this Dumask because there are only 18 points spread across Surakarta and Yogyakarta. There are 4 factors that influence a person to do environmental awareness. After knowing Dumask, respondents' interest in participating was very high. So it is necessary to develop Dumask and students should increase environmental awareness.


B3 waste, medical mask waste, environmental awareness

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