The Level of Comprehension using Survey (Age 18-30 years old) about Domestic B3 Waste: Batteries

Ilhamnul Zain Satria Negara, Mukhlisah Nadya Isa, Sesilia Retno Ayu Ningtyas, Snada Indah Tuk Negari, Wahyu Kisworo, Zahra Hanun


The background of the research is caused by the widespread problem of domestic waste generation which is one of the biggest waste contributors in Indonesia, up to 38.3%. One type of domestic waste produced is the type of B3. Domestic B3 waste is only around 2%, but has a significant potential risk of danger, based on its characteristics of being flammable, highly reactive, explosive, corrosive, and high level of toxicity and persistence. Batteries are a type of B3 product that is often used in household appliances, especially in electronic devices. If the battery is disposed of without certain treatment, the heavy metals and toxic materials contained will have a serious impact on the environment. The research purposes, to determine the level of public understanding of domestic B3 waste 'Battery' related to attitudes, intensity of use, and management, with the research target of people aged 18-30 years. The research used an online questionnaire distribution method, obtained 58 respondents spread across the region, majority of respondents came from Central Java (53%). The results showed that the majority of people used battery-powered electronic devices with the intensity of use quite often, 37.9% of respondents didn’t know the dangers of battery B3 waste, 61,3% still didn’t know how to treat battery waste properly-correctly and 66.7% don’t know the regulations related to B3 waste. Also, 58.1% of respondents are normal regarding the importance of treating B3 waste. In conclusion, the public's understanding of domestic B3 waste batteries is still relatively low, so a more intense understanding effort is needed to build public awareness about the dangers of B3 waste disposal.


Battery, Domestic B3 waste, comprehension survey

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