Rural Community Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Drug Waste as Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3)

Diva Maulida Nabila, Murtiningsih Murtiningsih, Nia Agustina, Nisa Indah Wahyuningsih, Nunik Sulistyaningrum


Waste is a very crucial environmental problem. One of the wastes that are very harmful to the environment is B3 waste. B3 waste is the residual result of activities or businesses that contain elements of hazardous and toxic materials. The household sector can produce B3 waste. A total of 11.62% of household waste is in the form of medical waste which is categorized as B3 waste. This waste consists of drug residue, drug packaging, syringes, and mercury thermometers. Medical waste contains toxic chemicals, pathogens, sharp objects, and expired drugs. If not managed properly, it will cause environmental problems and have a direct impact on the health of living things, especially humans. The potential impacts are in the form of causing acute and chronic disease, poisoning, infection, injury, and transmitting disease. Public knowledge about B3 waste or medical waste is still a concern. Most of the community has minimal knowledge so that they do not manage medical waste properly and correctly according to the recommended procedures. The purpose of this study was to find out how far the knowledge of people in rural areas regarding drug waste as B3 waste, as well as to determine public awareness in disposing and storing medicinal waste so that it does not have an impact on the environment and also the health of the community itself. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by analyzing the primary and secondary data that have been collected. The handling of residual drug waste/expired drugs by the community is still relatively lacking, as much as 50% is thrown away, 35% handles waste by burning and the rest handles waste by landfilling. In addition, 60% stated that the disposal of drug residues/expired drugs in the trash is the correct way to manage drug waste which is included in B3 waste.


B3 waste, environment, medical waste, medicine, rural

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