An Analysis of the 11th SDGs: Sustainable Cities and Communities in Surakarta Under the DPSIR Framework

Aldi Rosyid Rahmadi, Hanna Ad'hani, Kiki Dwi Wulandari


Rapid urbanization places cities in a central position causing various problems. Therefore, the problem of global sustainability cannot be addressed without answering the question of urban sustainability. This is realized by expanding the scope of the SDGs, as stated in the 11th goal which calls on countries to increase inclusive access to safe, resilient and sustainable housing, sustainable transportation, and also green spaces, among many targets other. Surakarta City as one of the big cities in Indonesia has a dynamic urban settlement condition, so it is interesting to study the 11th SDGs (sustainable cities and communities) under DPSIR framework in order to help design environmental assessments, identify key indicators, and communicate results. The method used in this research is a literature study. In this study, the parameters used are covered in 4 aspects, namely social, economic, environmental, as well as legal and governance. The data obtained were analyzed using the DPSIR method which was carried out on each indicator in the study parameters. The study of sustainable cities and communities in Surakarta City shows that population growth is one of the driving factors for change (Drivers), followed by the lack of land availability which is a catalyst (Pressures) for changes to initial environmental conditions (State) such as reduced green open space. This certainly has an impact (Impact), such as the increasing number of slums in Surakarta City. It takes effort (Responses) to solve the problem, it can be in the form of policy review or action planning.


City, Community, SDGs, Surakarta, Sustainable

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