Estimation of Emissions Generated by Merchants at CFD on Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta City
Air pollution is starting to become a serious problem in various countries in the world including Indonesia, due to the presence of emission gases in the air such as carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particles. One of the efforts made by the government to reduce air pollution is by promoting the Car Free Day (CFD) program. However, there are still many food vendors along the CFD road that use charcoal, gasoline, and LPG gas which allows emissions. This research aims to compare the amount of emissions generated by the activities of food traders on Car Free Day on Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta City. The research method used is quantitative analysis method using a descriptive approach where the data is obtained from direct retrieval with structured observation and interviews. Processing data using the formula E = AD x ef to determine the level of CO, PM2,5 and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) generated from each emission factor. The results of the research on LPG fuel contributed to COemissions2 of 337105.44 tons, andPMB emissions2.5 amounted to 6.41 tons, and VOC (emissionsVolatile Organic Compounds)of 10.15 tons. Further fuel or types gasoline accountedof COemissions2 amounting to 116813.18 tons, emissions of PM2.5 33.71 tons, and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions of 42.14 tons. As for charcoal, it contributedCO2 220228.8 tons ofemissions and PMemissions2.5 1743.67 tons, and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions of 1396.8 tons. Charcoal fuel contributes to the highest value of PMemissions2.5 and VOC, namely 1743.67 tons and 1396.8 tons compared to LPG and gasoline. With the large number of emissions produced during the CFD activity, this contradicts the original goal of the CFD (Car Free Day) activity, namely to restore air quality and maintain the physical health of the people who exercise in the area.
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