The Effectiveness of Car Free Day Activity in Surakarta is Reviewed from the Anthropogenic Results: Waste and Fuel Emissions.

Sapta Suhardono, Alya Afra Inas Nur, Anne Nurvita Sari, Fitri Alicia, Ivo Solikhah, Zuhro Ainaya Risyafa


Car Free Day is one of the programs held with the aim to reducing air pollution in urban environments. This research was conducted during Car Free Day on Slamet Riyadi Street, Surakarta. The composed article aims to determine the total fuel emissions from trading activity during Car Free Day activities. This article also aims to determine the amount of waste generated, and to find out how effective the Car Free Day program is as an effort to reduce air pollution in Surakarta. Within the Car Free Day, there is no reduction of pollution but instead centralizes the pollution to that point. Based on the research during Car Free Day, the community produces output from the activities carried out in the form of waste and emissions. It is shown by the total emissions of LPG 27,33526 ton/year , gasoline 1,911259 ton/year and charcoal 10,77839 ton/year and the total waste is 18 kg.  Therefore, Car Free Day is considered less effective in order to reduce air pollution.

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