Combination of Natural Language Understanding and Reinforcement Learning for Booking Bot

Dinda Ayu Permatasari, Devira Anggi Maharani


At present, some popular messaging applications have evolved specifically with bots starting to emerge into development. One of the developments of chatbots is to help humans booking flight with Named Entity Recognition in the text, trace sentences to detect user intentions, and respond even though the context of the conversation domain is limited. This study proposes to conduct analysis and design chatbot interactions using NLU (Natural Language Understanding) with the aim that the bot understands what is meant by the user and provides the best and right response. Classification using Support Vector Machine (SVM) method with (erm Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) feature extraction is suitable combination methods that produce the highest accuracy value up to 97.5%. Conversation dialogue on chatbots developed using NLU which consists of NER and intent classification then dialog manager using Reinforcement Learning could make a low cost for computing in chatbots.

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