

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between work life conflict and cellular technology usage. Employee on Solo Raya was chosen as subject on this study. Data were collected from 140 employees. Conditional Process Analysis by Hayes was used on Hypothesis test on this study. This approach integrates analysis of moderation and mediation. Study finds that there is a negative relationship between perceived interruption overload and work-related technology usage mediated by work life conflict; higher controls will weaken the negative relationship between perceived interruption overload and work related technology usage mediated by work life conflict; and higher burnout will strengthen the negative relationship between perceived interruption overload and work related technology usage mediated by work life conflict.

 Keywords: Interruption, Work-life Conflict, Burnout, Mobile Technologies


 Tujuan yang ingin didapatkan oleh peneliti pada penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti pengaruh work life conflict dalam penggunaan teknologi seluler. Karyawan di Solo Raya di pilih menjadi subyek dalam penelitian kali ini. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 140 Karyawan. Pengujian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Conditional Process Analysis oleh Hayes. Pendekatan ini mengintegrasikan analisis moderasi dan mediasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif perceived interruption overload terhadap work-related technology usage melalui work life conflict; kontrol yang lebih tinggi dapat memperlemah dampak negatif perceived interruption overload terhadap work-related technology usage melalui work life conflict; dan burnout yang tinggi memperkuat dampak negatif perceived interruption overload terhadap work-related technology usage melalui work life conflict.

 Kata Kunci: Interupsi, WLC, Burnout, Teknologi Seluler

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