The development of Internet technology with social networking has
formed a new society in a virtual form called Cyber Society. In addition to
providing for the good of human life, the impact of this discovery also
affects the dark side of human life. Social problems in the real world were
also penetrated into this virtual world. One of the social problems in the
real world that are emerging in the cyber-society is prostitution (cyber
Prostitution). The problem of prostitution into the real dark side of society,
are now beginning to shift to the cyber society. Prostitution itself in the real
world are categorized as immoral act. The practice of prostitution in the
real world, being blocked by the system of values and norms in society. But
in cyber space which is an anarchist society without social control,
prostitution can take place freely.
Keywords: Cyber Prostitution, Social Problems, Virtual Spaces.
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