Repository Analysis and Design for Food Department in Salatiga

Salomo Aditya Fallo, Ariya Dwika Cahyono, Melkior N. N. Sitokdana


Government is one of the fields that is always involved with data.  Regarding the amount of data, a data storage is needed to collect all data which can be accessed by the government. A repository is a place where several databases or files are placed to be accessed through a network or a data repository is a location that is directly accessible to the user. Food Department in Salatiga has duties and functions in formulating and implementing the policies of the food sector, evaluating and reporting the food and implementation of the administrative services and others. Regarding its duties and functions, it needs a repository to store data from the food department in Salatiga and others department for the smooth development in various fields in Salatiga.

This repository involves RESTFul web service which contributes in securing and accessing data from various sources, and also JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) which is a lightweight data exchange format, easy to read and write, easy to translated and generated by a computer. The repositories are created for the Food Department in Salatiga which is contains a regional data, data on content type, food data, year data and account data. 

A data warehouse is a database that stores current and past data from various operational systems and other sources (external sources) for management and analysis reporting purposes of decision making. The scope of the repository includes subject orientation, integration, nonvolatility, time variance and exploring data.


Repository, Data Warehouse, RESTFul, JSON


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