The Development of Information System in Managing Juridical Data of The Complete Land Registry System Program

Fanny Alfyani, Andeka Rocky Tanaamah


The Land Office of Palangka Raya City has using the Complete Land Registry System in their work execution to support Land Office (National Land Institution) itself. Yet in the process they still manually input the juridical data into Microsoft Excel file. It considers to be less effective to manage many data and then archived into managing the Complete Land Registry System Program. Therefore, they need a media that could help juridical team in managing data. Then, the writer is designing an information system based on desktop, which is called the Managing Juridical Data Information System. This application could help to adding data (Insert), changing data (Update), showing data (Show), and deleting data (Delete), it makes easier way to manage juridical data and archiving. Designing and implementing this information system  could be used to collect juridical data in the complete Land registry sytem program in Land Office especially in Land Office of Palangka Raya City that used to make easier in managing juridical data to make output as information land data and applicant data.


Development; Information System; Implementation; The Complete Land Registry System; Land Office;


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