Assessment of Work Behavior of Civil Servants in The Faculty of Mathematics ond Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System.

Adi Sektiawan, Umi Salamah, Esti Suryani


Work behavior is part of the performance that addresses the behaviors, attitudes, or actions taken by the Civil Servants. Aspects assessed in work behavior are oriented service, integrity, commitment, discipline, teamwork, and leadership. This value only gives an overview globally, so the process is still a subjective appraisal based assessors. To minimize the element of subjectivity, in this study we will implement Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System that can do the assessment intuitively. in the other word, the assesment can be adapted to human feelings. Rule of assessment built using expert judgment. The results of assessing the work behavior of civil servant using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System in accordance with the assessment of expert judgment. The results showed that the accuracy  system is80%.


Intuitive; Mamdani; work behavior; Rule


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