Lidiawati Lidiawati, Hanjaya Saputra, Halim Agung


Food recipes are an important thing when we want to cook something in order to know the ingredients and tools needed. Food recipes can become unusable if ingredients and tools are not available. Therefore, an application that can recommend food recipes based on available ingredients and tools is necessary.

This application was created using the Suffix Tree algorithm. This application can perform the process of finding recipes that match the tools and ingredients available. The Suffix Tree algorithm can search for string data types within its string of large numbers.

The process of selecting recipes starts with the user entering the word to search for the recipes that have been entered. The suffix tree will be called and used to create trees from existing recipes. To find the appropriate preset keyword (string) begins with searching for its tree, if Try falling from the tree (not found) then nothing matches.

Suffix Tree's algorithm can be applied in recipe recommendation system applications based on available tools and ingredients.


Recipes, Suffix Tree, Recommendation System, Android

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