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Oetomo1, Dwi, Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret
Ogunwole, Joshua, Bowen University, Iwo, P.M.B. 284, Osun State
Ohanda, Meka, Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University
Ohene-Yankyera, Kwasi, Department of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Extension, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi
Ohoiwutun, Yohanes Kristanto Widyawan
Ohy, Juliana
Ohyver, Daniel Adolf, Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar
Oka, Imam, Universitas Diponegoro
Okaviyani, Devi Tria
Okereke, Emmanuel W., Michael Okpara University of Agriculture

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