Bersama Indonesia Power, Kembangkan Potensi Pariwisata Jawa Tengah untuk Pariwisata yang Berdikari Pasca Pandemi

Nur Laili Mardhiyani, Laksmi Kinanthi, Satria Nur Hidayat, Louis Bertrand B.T, Dina Sofia, Sekar Purbasiwi K, Jeva Shifananda V.P Shifananda V.P


Glagah Wangi Beach or Instanbul Demak is a beach in the coastal area of Demak Regency which offers the beauty of Mangrove forest tourism. Glagah Wangi Beach is one of the tours that has become an icon of Demak Regency which is also included in the 10 nominations for new tourist destinations held by the Anugerah Pesona Indonesia (API) 2020. Glagah Wangi Beach itself is located in Tambak Bulusan Village, Dukuh Bongsari, Kec. Karang Tengah with the distance to the district center is approximately 20 km or 1 hour away by motorbike or car. This service aims to increase the potential of regional tourism to become the choice of tourist attractions in Central Java and Indonesia, increase the income of the surrounding community by developing tourism activities based on training and education on good tourism management in accordance with ISO standards, increasing brand awareness and brand reputation of PT. Indonesia Power; get PR Value in the form of news in the mass media (print, digital and electronic).


Keywords: Glagah Wangi Beach; Istanbul Demak; Tourism; Mangrove Forest


Glagah Wangi Beach; Istanbul Demak; Tourism; Mangrove Forest


Solihin, Ismail, 2009, Corporate Social Responsibility: from Charity to Sustainability,Salemba Empat, Jakarta, Septina Basani, Christin, 2007, Peran Perusahaan Sebagai Agen Perubahan Pelaksanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial (Corporate Social Responsibility), Tesis pada Program Magister Kenotariatan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Penerapan Corporate Responsibility Social di Indonesia, Prof Dr. Sukrisno Agoes, Seminar di Universitas Bunda Maria, 28 Oktober 2008.


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