Literasi Media untuk Mencegah Ujaran Kebencian di Kalangan Remaja

Hamid Arifin, Monika Sri Yuliarti


Mass media is a part of human life because of its function which is closely related to society, whether it is information, interpretation, and entertainment function. This raises the need for special skills among the community, which are not limited to the skills of consuming media content only. On the other hand, the emergence of social media has increasingly urged skills in using media known as media literacy, or more specifically digital media literacy. Furthermore, in the internet era like today, problems related to the rampant hate speech still need special attention and comprehensive handling. Seeing this phenomenon, the KKN team from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and the Vocational School of Universitas Sebelas Maret conducted a community service activities in the form of socialization about education about hate speech and media literacy which aims to minimize the spread of hate speech on social media. This activity was carried out in Juwok Village, Sukodono District, Sragen Regency, Central Java Province. This activity was carried out using the lecture and discussion method, with tools in the form of microsoft power points and videos which were attended by 20 teenagers from Juwok Village. Participants participated in this activity with enthusiasm, which could be seen from their responses during the socialization session. Apart from having a thorough understanding and knowledge of hate speech and media literacy, the participants of this activity are also expected to be able to apply everything they have obtained from the socialization session through their respective social media accounts.


media literacy; social media; hatespeech; teenager; community service

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