Strategi Promosi dalam Menarik Minat Belanja Online Mahasiswa Public Relations Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Promotion strategy is the company's activity to drive sales by directing convincing communications to buyers. In attracting shopping interests, some of the biggest online shops such as also use promotional strategies to attract shopping interests from prospective customers, especially those among students. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe how' promotion strategy attracts online SWCU public relations student shopping interests. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, where the subject of this study is a public relations student for the class of 2017-2019 and the object of research is the promotion strategy in attracting online shopping interests of public relations students. Data collection techniques are by interviewing public relations students for the 2017-2019 class year, observing and also documenting from the website, and to strengthen the results of the interview the researchers also distributed questionnaires of 60 respondents. The results of research conducted based on the results of the interview also by distributing questionnaires, the results obtained that the promotion strategy carried out is a mix promotion and online shopping interest of students is influenced by several promotional strategies including advertising promotion strategies, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, while for promotion strategies that do not affect student online shopping interest is selling personnel.
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