Pengaruh Terpaan Iklan Marketplace, Akses Aplikasi, dan Minat Membeli Pada Mahasiswa

Fitri Norhabiba


As a new media, internet not only as production tools but also distributed message. Internet has a function like traditional media, internet as a storage message. Internet has many easier tools and become many application to be access many times. Consumer behavior has changed from traditional to online.

This research tried to examine aspect of elaboration likelihood model and advertising exposure and connected to consumer behavior on youth, especially students in the big city.

This research took place di University of 17 August Surabaya, located in the central city of Surabaya, and could be represent students. The population is students of Untag Surabaya 13849. The sampel is 160, based n slovin formula and used systematic random sampling. The type of the research is quantitative descriptive, the data used to generalize youth in the city.

The result show that there is a influence of marketplace’s advertising exposure, application access to buying interest toward student with linear regression. The influence of marketplace’s advertising exposure, application access to buying interest is 41,9%. R2=0,419,6 β=0,408;p<0,01.


Keywords: advertising exposure, buying interest, elaboration likelihood model



advertising exposure, buying interest, elaboration likelihood model

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