Azka Fazarusda, Heni Indrayani


Public services is a service that provided by the government to the community. In general, the public services deliver the benefit to the people in a particular society or community. Semarang city government contribute the public services in the form of management of public complaints responsible by Community Complaints Management Center (P3M) as a part of Diskominfo. P3M is optimize the various media channels or e-Government such as Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram, Web and SMS. Meanwhile, to advance the media channel to maximize the communication, people tend to use WhatsApp to convey the complaint. According to data on the Diskominfo Semarang city there are 515 complaints which status has not been in the process of the total complaint 2558 in  January to August 2019. The aims of this study is to determine the public services communication strategy by e-Government.  This research is used a paradigm of constructivism, qualitative research methods with a case study approach. This study uses social systems theory and political system models. The results of the study showed that there was an attachment between the political system in P3M, namely “Lapor Hendi” System and the social system theory. Lapor Hendi is a non-bulkhead service that is a public service communication strategy between the government and the community. Communities in the Semarang City area are free to give complaints, suggestions and criticisms to the government directly. The stages of e-Government communication strategies begin with fact finding, namely the filtering of complaints that are followed up. Second, planning based on the legal basis, namely mayor regulations, work plan planning and strategic plans. Third, action and communication e-Government, namely the optimization of media channels by S4PN and the report system system. Finally, the evaluation shows that there are many complaints from the public through media channels or e-Government and become the material for the next City Government policy strategy

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