Analysis of Project-Based Learning Model on the Learning Styles of PPLG SMK Negeri Students in Surakarta

Burhannudin Nur Wakhid, Cucuk Wawan Budiyanto, Yuliyani Siyamtiningtyas


Project-based learning (PjBL) is one of the learning models that can optimize students' learning styles. PjBL provides students with the opportunity to learn actively, independently, and creatively. This study aims to analyze the effect of the PjBL learning model on the learning styles of PPLG SMK Negeri students in Surakarta. This study used a quantitative method with an experimental approach. The research sample was 36 XI grade PPLG SMK Negeri students in Surakarta. This study used the Felder-Silverman learning style instrument to measure students' learning styles. The results of the study showed that the PjBL learning model had a positive effect on students' learning styles. Students who followed PjBL learning were more likely to have kinesthetic, visual, and auditory learning styles. This is because PjBL provides students with the opportunity to learn actively through activities that involve body movement, vision, and hearing. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that the PjBL learning model can be applied more widely in schools, especially in SMK which have students with various learning styles.


learning styles; project-based learning; PPLG students; SMK Negeri; VAK model;

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