Vertical to Horizontal Spectral Ratio (VHSR) Response of Seismic Wave Propagation in a Homogeneous Elastic – Poroelastic Medium Using The Spectral Finite Element Method

Sudarmaji Saroji, Budi Eka Nurcahya, Nivan Ramadhan Sugiantoro


Numerical modeling of 2D seismic wave propagation using spectral finite element method to estimate the response of seismic waves passing through the poroelastic medium from a hydrocarbon reservoir has been carried out. A hybrid simple model of the elastic - poroelastic - elastic with a mesoscopic scale element size of about 50cm was created. Seismic waves which was in the form of the ricker function are generated on the first elastic medium, propagated into the poroelastic medium and then transmitted to the second elastic medium. Pororoelastic medium is bearing hydrocarbon fluid in the form of gas, oil or water. Vertical and horizontal component of velocity seismograms are recorded on all mediums. Seismograms which are recorded in the poroelastic and second elastic medium show the existence of slow P compressional waves following fast P compressional waves that do not appear on the seismogram of the first elastic medium. The slow P wave is generated when the fast P wave enters the interface of the elastic - poroelastic boundary, propagated in the poroelastic medium and is transmited to the second elastic medium. The curves of Vertical to horizontal spectrum ratio (VHSR) which are observed from seismograms recorded in the poroelastic and the second elastic medium show that the peak of VHSR values at low frequency correlated with the fluid of poroelastic reservoir. The highest VHSR value at the low frequency which is recorded on the seismogram is above the 2.5 Hz frequency for reservoirs containing gas and oil in the second elastic medium, while for the medium containing water is the highest VHSR value is below the 2.5 Hz frequency.


wave propagation; elastic; poroelastic; fast P wave; slow P waves; spectral finite element; VHSR; hydrocarbon

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