Identifikasi Situs Candi Bukit Carang, Karanganyar Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Tahanan Jenis Konfigurasi Dipol-Dipol

Diah Sri Jayanti, Darsono D, Budi Legowo


Identification of temple sites have been performed on the Bukit Carang region at
Anggrasmanis, Jenawi, Karanganyar, Central Javausing the geoelectricity resistivity
measurement with a dipoles configuration method. This method can determine buried sites around the site groundwork. Software Surfer ver 8.0 and Res2dinv ver 3.30b are used to analyze the mapping data and the sounding data, respectively. This research foundelevenanomalies structured andesite’s rock with resistivity of935-1511 Ωmwhich is considered as temple sites.

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