The Development of Radio Broadcasting Learning Model Using Streaming Radio to Enhance Students Life Skill

Dewi Kusumaningsih, Y Sugiyanto, Joko Suryono


Thisresearchstudiestheurgency ofradiobroadcastinglearningmodel developmentasa meanstofulfillstudents’needs,including cognitivecompetence andlifeskill.Itaimsto(1) describe howthedevelopmentof aneffective radio broadcastinglearning modelcanrun(2)explainhowthedevelopmentofradio broadcasting learning modelcanimprovestudents’lifeskill.ItappliesResearch andDevelopmentMethod(R&D)whichconsistsofsomestepsincluding (1) observing   how   radio   a   broadcasting   learning   model   runs   in   Indonesian Department(PendidikanBahasadanSastraIndonesia- PBSI) of VeteranBangun NusantaraUniversity Sukoharjo(2)describingandanalyzing(3)draftinglearning modelofradiobroadcastingandrestrictedtestheldby communicationscience expert.Thedatainvolvedinthisresearchconsistoflectureschedule,students’ scoreinthefourthsemesterforbroadcasting lecturein PBSI,journaloflecture agendadanthe resultofinterview.Thedatawerecollectedthroughtheoritical reviewonthelearningdocumentsofbroadcasting bythefourthsemesterperiodin 2014/2015andinterview.Ithadshownthe resultthatradiobroadcastinglecture agendatakenplaceinthefourthsemesteroftheacademicyear2014/2015still usedconventionalmethod.Therewasonly theagendaofradiovisittingtoshow students  how  the  reguler  broadcasting  ran.  Besides,  there  was  no  agenda  of lifeskilldevelopmentsuchasstructuralbroadcating organizingincludingagenda concepting agenda,rundownplanning,hotclockplanningandpracticingbothin radio studio and streaming.

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