Kasiyan Kasiyan


The complexity of multi-dimensional educational problems in Indonesia seems to reach its deepest level. Those problems are mainly related to three fundamental ideas of Ki Hadjar Dewantara called “Trikon” strategy, covering continuity, convergence, and concentricity. The first is the problem related to the continuity strategy that can be recognized from the tendency of the current educational awareness that tends to be unsustainable. For instance, the implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia that led to a big controversy in the sense that this curriculum is considered very different from the previous one. The second is the convergence strategy that can be seen from the current practice of educational system in Indonesia that tends to be Western-centric than Indonesian-centric. Third is the one related to the concentric strategy which is reflected in the results of the current practice of Indonesian educational system that reduce or even eliminate the Indonesian indigenous values in the entire level of the civilization. Indeed, the need to have an educational restoration based on Ki Hadjar Dewantara‟s Trikon perspectives concerning these three problems is necessarily important to consider.

Keywords: restoration, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, education, Indonesia.

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