The Experience Based English Learning Model to Enrich Students Vocabulary through Giving Examples

Sulastri Sulastri, Sri Anitah W, Soetarno Joyoatmojo, Dewi Rochsantiningsih


The article describes the implementation of an Educational Research and Development on developing an experience based English learning model at high schools in Surakarta in order to enrich students vocabulary through giving examples. The research tested the effectiveness of the learning model being developed in the previous stages, involved 416 students. In addition, a set of questionnaire was also distributed to the students to analyse how various activities in the class benefited the students. The findings showed that: 1) learning model yielded significantly more effective than the students in the control group in terms of students vocabulary, building vocabulary, and vocabulary use; 2) students responses to the open-ended questionnaires revealed that the learning model was more acceptable, since they regarded that was a challenging way of learning, promoted benefit on vocabulary building; and helped students better in enrichment of students vocabulary. The significant result of the model is motivating to be used by other teachers, especially to make use of experience in stimulating students to learn. This study has shown that the model can be a promising approach to teach vocabulary, as long as teachers are able to utilise students experiences to activate the vocabulary building to support the enrichment of students vocabulary.

Keywords: learning model, experience, enrichment of vocabulary, giving examples.

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