Mathematic Narrative Problem for Elementary School Students in Rural Area: A Character Value Analysis

Atikah Anindyarini, Muhammad Rizqi Romadlon


There are some problems in mathematic narrative problem learning in rural Elementary Schools. The problems derive from students and teachers. Many students still find difficulty in working on mathematic narrative problem. It is due to the language used in the narrative problem is considered as less familiar and less contextual to students. The problem the teachers encounter is that they are less accustomed to develop their own mathematic narrative problem. Meanwhile, through developing their own mathematic narrative problem, teachers get much benefit. The benefit includes more varying, newer and contextual material and more joyful learning process. A mathematic narrative problem written in understandable language and attractive story will make the students interested in reading, understanding its meaning, and then working in more easily. Mathematic narrative problem should be developed by integrating character education into it, so that the students can make the good characters of the figure told the role model. The good mathematic narrative problem is developed consistent with the norms of mathematic narrative problem development. However, there are still many teacher-made mathematic narrative problem developed regardless the norms. Particularly, there are still mathematic narrative problems not integrating yet the character education value into it.

Keywords: mathematic narrative problem, teacher-made, familiar, contextual, character education value

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