Blended Instruction to Encourage Students’ English Learning Autonomy

Jamilah Jamilah


This research and development study was aimed at developing a web-based learning program to encourage students' learning autonomy. The research was conducted in Yogyakarta State University, and the steps consisted of needs analysis, development, evaluation, and try out. The data were collected using questionnaires and were descriptively analysed. The developed program was rated very good both by the experts and also by the students. This program can be applied in Blended English Course intended to encourage students to develop their study skills and English skills, and to provide students with links for learning English independently outside the class. Blended instruction offers both promises and challenges for the improvement of the English Course to meet the expectation from various parties- students, institution, as well as the society. It opens up students' learning opportunity, not only limited in the classroom but also outside the class, at anytime, anywhere, and thus students are expected to learn more. However, to get the most benefits of this model of instruction, institutions should do  their  parts,  such  as  providing  the  facility,  managing  the  system,  and encouraging the staff to develop and implement the program.


Keywords: blended instruction, English, learning autonomy

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