Analysis of the Importance and Satisfaction Level of PAP Laboratory User

Susantiningrum Susantiningrum, Tri Murwaningsih, Tutik Susilowati


The study aims to identify the importance and satisfaction level of the PAP laboratory users; and to get advice to improve the PAP laboratory in order to make they more satisfied. The sample was choosen by using Simple Random Sampling Method consist of 172 users from 500 users of population. The collected data were analyzed by using Cartesian Diagram. There were two varibles that studied, i.e. laboratory space and laboratory equipment. The result of the analysis were broken down into Cartesian Diagram. The position of the analyzed data was devided into four parts. Quadrant A showed that the two varibles are important but less satisfied. Quadrant B showed that the two variables are very important and very satisfied. Quadrant C showed that the two variables are less important but quite satisfied. Quadrant D showed that the two variables are not important but satisfied.The result showed that the variable of laboratory space scattered in quadrant A, C, and D. While the variable of laboratory equipment was scattered in quadrant B and C. Those mean that the respondents were not too concerned about laboratory space, but they want the novelty and the adequacy of the number of the equipments in the laboratory.
Keywords: Laboratory space, laboratory equipment, the importance level, the satisfaction level, Cartesian diagram.

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