The Use Of Authentic Materials To Sharpen Students’ Internalization In Resolution Conflict Learning

Zaini Rohmad


To equalize Indonesian educational system with other countries, the Indonesian Qualifications Framework
(IQF) forms 9 levels to qualify the formal and non formal education institutions. Implying the 6 level
descriptors defined by the IQF, the students of undergraduate program need to internalize the learning
knowledge so that they can use it to work in real world. Unfortunately, it is difficult for some lecturers to
sharpen students’ comprehension on sociological content, thus they have less internalization on the
knowledge being learnt. This research, then, is aimed at describing how the use of authentic materials can
sharpen students’ internalization resolution conflict learning of the Sociologic Anthropologic Education
Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University. To reach the goal of
this research, the researcher used classroom action research. The result shows that in sharpening students’
internalization, the lecturer needs to use real world context of authentic materials in cooperative learning
method. Through cooperative learning, students can share their knowledge within group, hence, the
process of internalization runs well.

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