Nurti Rahayu, Emenina Tarigan, Deafani Clara Sinaga


The implementation of East ASEAN Community is a sign that the global competition has begun.
Therefore, universities and colleges need to prepare their students to win the competition. Since lecturebased classroom is no longer sufficient to equip students with soft skills, more colleges requires their
students to take part in Service Learning (SL) Program. One of them is Trisakti School of Tourism. In
this institution, Service Learning is integrated with English Competency Test (ECT) and curriculum.
Upon taking the ECT with Test of English as an International Communication (TOEIC) equivalency, top
achievers students are not required to attend the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes. They are
involved in SL program where they try to develop a project as a community contribution. In the project,
they mostly have to utilize their skills in English. This study aims to reveal the students’ personal
reflections regarding the impacts of the program. Fourteen students participated to fill in self-reflections
questionnaires and interviews. A descriptive method is employed to reveal students’ reflections in 5 (five)
areas; attitude toward self, attitude toward school and learning, civic engagement, social skills, and
academic performance.

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