The Development of Habituation Learning Model Based On Traditional Child Songand Movement Game to Create the Character of Early Age Children

Siti Wahyuningsih, Sri Yutmini, Sutarno Sutarno, Dewi Rochsantiningsih


Habituation learning in Early Age Child Education tends to emphasize on cognitive aspect only,
leaving affective and psychomotor aspect untouched. It becomes one constraint in creating child
character. This research aimed to analyze the development of habituation learning model based on
traditional playground song and movement game to create the child character in Group B of
Kindergartens in Surakarta. The data was collected using interview and observation in learning
process in the classroom. Interview was conducted with teachers, children, and headmasters. Observation
was conducted on the change of child character behavior after the song and movement game activity, and
observation on model application performance by teachers. The result of research showed that in the
habituation learning model based on traditional playground song and movement to create the character of
early age children, teacher could organize: a) habituation learning by giving the children the freedom of
imagining, exploring their self-potency to create, b) habituation learning with movement and song activity
could internalize character values of traditional kid song lyrics, c) habituation learning based song and
movement that could put the children the subject and the object of learning all at once, and the target of
learning outcome including cognitive, affective and motor aspects could be achieved, and d) habituation
learning putting the children in the center of learning, or called student-centered learning.

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