University Role in Developing Entrepreneurial Culture

Eddy Triharyanto, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum, Joko Sutrisno


University is one of institutions that is expected to develop new entrepreneurs who are competent in their field. The development of entrepreneurial culture among university students can not be separated from the support of university especially and learning process. This study used ethnographic to describe the entrepreneurial  culture  in  universities. The  population  of  research  is the entrepreneurship bodies  in universities and students in several universities in Indonesia. The sampling technique used multiple stage sample and purposive sample. Multiple stage sample was used to determine the university's selection as a sample, while purposive sample was used to determine the respondent for interview and fill out the questionnaire. Data analysis used descriptive analysis of quantitative and qualitative including scoring and meaning. The results of this study found that in general, all universities have a policy in supproting of students to growing dan developing an entrepreneurial culture, but it had different intensity. It is marked by the presence or absence of a particular unit that is engaged in entrepreneurship. In the learning process, it is determined by the weight of entrepreneurship as a compulsory subject from two to three credits. To support the development of entrepreneurial, universities had entrepreneurship training, lifeskill and soft skill training, self  potential  and  creativity,  team  work  building,  public  speaking,  entrepreneurship spirit  development program as well as career development.

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