Analysis The Mastery of Process and Product Cognitive of Students in Biology Learning Class XI Senior High School in Terms of School Favorability

Isti Farin, Paidi Paidi, Rabiatul Adawiyah


Today, in Indonesia there are still many teachers who reveal the cognitive learning outcomes the students only based  on  the  categorization  cognitive  taxonomy  of  Bloom,  whereas  the  current  curriculum  reuire  to  use  the cognitive taxonomy that has been revised by Anderson & Krathwohl. The aim of this research was to know the mastery  level  of  cognitive  process  and  cognitive  product  of  student  class  XI  in  biology  learning  on  human reproductive system material in senior high school in terms of school favorability. This research was a survey research, that conducted in Padang. The research population was all students class XI in senior high school in Padang,  academic  year  of  2015/2016.  The  sampling  technique.was  using  purposive  sampling.  The  data collection used tests instrument that developed based on dimension of cognitive process and cognitive product of Anderson-Krathwohl. The test instrument used to determine the mastery of cognitive process and cognitive product form of multiple choice test items and essay test items. Data analysis was using descriptive statistic and U  Mann-Whitney  with  significant  level  at  0,05.  The  results  of  this  research  was  obtained  data  showed  that mastery of cognitive process and cognitive product of students in biology learning class XI senior high school between favorite and non favorite school have significant difference with significant level (p) < 0,05. Based on this  research  is  expected  to  educators  and  prospective  educators  have  the  will  and  awareness  to  develop cognitive achievement test based on the dimensions of cognitive process and cognitive  product of Anderson- Krathwohl that mastery of the cognitive dimension of students is clearly known.

Keywords: cognitive process, cognitive product, biology learning, favorability school

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