Experiential Learning Model In Writing Learning for Students of Primary Teacher Education

Suhartono Suhartono


The purposes of this study were (1) to describe the use of Experiential-Based Learning Model; (2) to improve students' writing competence of Primary Teacher Education through the use of Experiential Based Learning models. This research method used collaborative action research. The subjects were students of Primary Teacher Education Kebumen. The technique of data collection used test writing assignment. Analysis of the data is used is qualitative analysis items, namely (1) data reduction, (2) display / presentation of the data, and (3) conclusion / verification. The Conclusions Showed that (1) Experiential-Based Learning Model that can improve the writing competence of students is Carried out through some steps: (a) search of concrete experiences, (b) reflection observation, (c) abstract conceptualization, and (d) an active experiment; (2) the use of Experiential Based Learning models can improve students' writing competence of Primary Teacher Education.


Keywords: experiential-based learning, writing competence

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